Self Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

The Sexual Male

Self Hypnosis MP3 Download

Release your inhibition and have more satisfying sex!

Everyone wants to be the best lover they can be, but for some men it isn't always that easy. They may suffer from low self-esteem or not feel very comfortable with their bodies, which can make sex awkward and uneasy. These feelings can hamper a man's ability to get an erection or cause them to ejaculate too quickly, both of which can be quite embarrassing.

Learning to balance your excitement and anxiety can greatly improve your sexual performance. Fully expressing yourself sexually can be intensely gratifying, just as bringing pleasure to a woman can be. Unfortunately, when we get caught up in the moment we may struggle to gain control over our bodies. All the anticipation that led up to this event can be overwhelming, but a little mental preparation can improve your experience tremendously.

We all have some preconceived notions about how a sexual encounter should be. By learning to be more comfortable with yourself and your body you can begin to accept your ideas about sex more fully and improve your level of intimacy with your partner. This is not a race or a test; it is the sharing of your body completely. When you are at ease you will be able to live in the moment and enjoy the experience much more than you ever thought possible.

Imagine what it would be like to:

Enjoy more intimate and satisfying sex!

Be in total control of yourself physically!

Be more confident and comfortable with your body!

Sexual performance is highly personal and emotional issue. Through self hypnosis you can privately resolve any difficulties you may have or improve on any area you choose. Through deep relaxation, visualisation, and positive reinforcement you can change the way you think and feel about sex.

How good can your sex life truly be? There's only one way to find out. This self hypnosis CD/MP3 download can help you improve your control and performance. It's time to feel good about your body and enjoy sex more fully. Not only will you be satisfied, but your partner will be too. With the help of self hypnosis....

Have the sex life you've always dreamed of!

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