Self Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

Creative Dream work

Self Hypnosis MP3 Download

Use self hypnosis to solve problems or bring more health and happiness into your life!

Have you ever been stuck on a crossword puzzle, then an hour or two later, or even a few days later, the answer suddenly pops into your head from nowhere? Or perhaps you can't remember where you put something, and then suddenly when you're no longer thinking about it, you get a clear image of where you left it. We've all had this kind of experience at some time. It happens because, while our conscious mind has moved on to think about other things, our unconscious mind continues to think about and work on issues behind the scenes, until it can find a solution. For this reason there's a lot of sense in the old adage to 'sleep on it'.

Many of the best inventions and most creative discoveries have been made unconsciously, the solutions often appearing in dreams which are one of the most powerful ways for the unconscious mind to communicate with us. Most often it has happened almost by accident, connections being made in the unconscious mind and being brought to conscious attention in powerful dreams.

We can all learn to be much more pro-active with dream work, feeding the unconscious mind specific problems to solve, or setting it the task of looking for ways to bring more health, happiness or whatever else we want into our daily lives. In hypnosis we can guide the unconscious to utilize its enormous power to come up with creative solutions and guidance, and encourage it to communicate these to us in images and sensations and feelings within our dream world.

Imagine what it would be like to:

Access and enjoy your magical inner dream world!

Effortlessly come up with creative solutions to problems!

Experience more happiness and contentment into your life!

Self hypnosis allows you to access the power of your creative unconscious mind, directing it specifically to work on the things you want. This self hypnosis MP3 download helps to create a state of deep, creative relaxation, which allows us to speak directly to the unconscious mind, and to programme it to work on the issues you choose. You can create a beautiful room in your inner world, specially designed for dream work, and by listening to this self hypnosis session regularly, you can visit your dream room whenever you want or need to.

Discover the power of creative dream work with the help of self hypnosis!


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